James in the Suburbs: The Disorderly Parable of the Epistle of James

James in the Suburbs: A Disorderly Parable of the Epistle of James by Dr. April Love-Fordham is a Bible Study that picks powerful lessons from one of the Epistles that focuses on the theme of faith: The Epistle of St. James. In fact, James states that faith without works has no substance. In this book, the author draws powerful lessons from James and shows how a group of men and women have been able to transform their faith into something tangible by translating it into service. April redefines faith and helps readers understand its application in contemporary society.

It is interesting to see how many lives get changed when we allow our faith to lead and guide us. In this book, we are introduced to a group of faith-filled people using their gifts to positively influence the lives of people around them. There are lessons on dealing with the challenges they face as a group, the spiritual and physical benefits of worship, and how the message in James can be applied to contemporary society. James is one of the biblical letters that is very practical when it comes to understanding and practicing faith and this book offers readers the path to making their faith a living testament in the eyes of the world.

James in the Suburbs: A Disorderly Parable of the Epistle of James is written for Christians who want to deepen their faith and it shows the link between faith and charity and how surrendering to the demands of faith transforms us into people who make a difference in our communities. It is beautifully written, inspiring and filled with engaging stories. A book that offers great material for Bible study and personal reflection. This book teaches you what to do when it is challenging living the faith.

Available at Amazon and Wipf and Stock.

Click here to print out a flyer for this book or here to read the first three chapters (compliments of Wipf and Stock Publishers).

James Cover
“James in the Suburbs” uses the antics of a soul searching, fun loving suburban Bible study group to illustrate the teachings of the Epistle of James
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