Justice IS a Priority

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Mat 5:6 NRS)

For me this is one of the greatest things about the Reign of God.

However, some mistake righteousness for meaning, “those who are good at following the religious rules.” But that’s not it. Jesus wasn’t all that fond of religion or its rules—especially when they didn’t demonstrate love and mercy. The Greek word reflects more about social justice than being good.

While Jesus is preaching, he is looking into the crowd, searching for those who desire the world be a place of justice and equity—a place where everyone is included, loved, and supported. This kind of justice makes a way for everyone to develop into their full potential. It is shalom (wholeness) achieved for the entire community. Jesus promised that if we desire that kind of justice, then we will fit right into God’s reign of love.

Suggested spiritual practice for this week:
Look around you for signs of injustice.
Ask how God might use you to bring justice to unjust situations.
And have at it.

Published by April Love-Fordham

A Red Letter Christian who writes about scripture and spiritual disciplines.

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